***Update*** Sunday, Nov 11th. 5pm, at the Palace
Some of you have heard about it, many of you talked about and suggested it. It’s time to get together and get it started. The Palace Theater Guild. What is it? What does a guild do? In many theaters, the guild is an organization of actors, techies, actors who secretly want to be techies, techies who less than secretly want to be actors, artists, parents, brothers and anyone who loves the theater and wants to get involved in ways other than just putting on the shows. The guild itself puts on auditions workshops, adult acting classes, theatrical workshops of all kinds, award ceremonies, movie night, scavenger hunts, fund raisers and much, much more.
Please leave comments with your thoughts and whether you plan to attend so we know how much food to prepare.
It's time people. So many of you have asked for the Palace to become more supportive as far as acting classes, directing classes (gasp)and the all important tech classes, how about letter jackets with pins and letters that go back to "Annie"?! Organizing actual committees or groups for the joy of shopping (props) dressing up (costumes)making tree houses (set building) and so much more. We are a family and it's time to get it organized.
Please join us and put your two (or ten) cents worth of thoughts in to the mix.
We could have a annual bbq to announce the new season, we could have a masked fancy dress ball the end of January, we cpould do a guild supported talent show with our kids and teens.
We could do so much....with help from you.
Mary Ellen
Well, I'm interested. Time and place?
Of course I'm interested !!
I'll be there after I morph back to a human from being a cat :-)
I like the idea of the pins.
What might be a good idea is to offer training in being an OrcheExtra operator to qualified persons. We can then have somebody be able to "pinch-hit" in an emergency or due to scheduling conflicts.
I'm in--er-r-r-r did I miss the date, time and place somehow??? I'm not real good at computer stuff.
This Sunday--I have another commitment.
I am afraid that I didn't catch the time or place either....let me know.
~Jane Maddox
GUYS! Soooo exciting! I'll be there. I might be the young one but I'll be there.
Callie Boatman
Time and place? thats the only information i need and i will be there ... hopefully not as a big red furball...
Nick Barth and Marissa will be there
The First Annual Theatre Guild’s Open Shed
November 11, 2007
5:00-8:00 approx. With one 5-7 minute break
Meeting Called by Mary Ellen Butler and Ron Watson
Jessie Drollette Minute’s
35+ in attendance
1. Purpose
a. History of the theatre
i. Theatre built in 1924- It has an august tenure, it is the site of many first dates, first kisses, has survived the civil rights movement, a few bankruptcies, and the renovation to live theatre
ii. Theatre is true 501c3 with an active board; the Artistic Director runs the theatre and is answerable to the board.
b. Purpose of Theatre Guild would be to run autonomously but responsible to The Palace Theatre Board. Purpose is to develop and Train: audience members, future actors, technicians, and theatre appreciators.
i. Would not turn into a member’s only club.
ii. In no way would this mean preferential treatment for roles.
2. Goals
a. The renovation of the Shed will include a black box theatre. The foreseen role of the guild would be the black box season and the training therein. Different committees would oversee the running of and education of the participants.
b. Guild dues still as yet undefined
c. Work with Palace on Opening night Gala’s or “Raucous Hoedowns” Mary Ellen.
d. Promote further training of Youth
i. Workshops, mentoring teens on their own shows
ii. Create a program so there is a process to train future lighting designers, Stage Managers and Directors.
e. Guild recognition letter jackets
i. Donna Rivers already has a line on.
f. Create a larger pool to pull from for techs, actors etc.
g. Create the guild in such a way that it doesn’t further pull you from your life by creating “real time” blog sessions in which we discuss guild matters.
h. Create a guild website where meeting minutes, action items and other pertinent info can be posted so that people aren’t left out of mass e-mailings.
3. Possible functions of Guild
a. Masked Ball where non-members pay to get in
b. Opening parties
c. Closing parties
4. Action Items
a. Have a “Janitorial” committee meeting to decide how to design the Guild.
b. Create a space on the blog to post minutes, notices, etc..
c. Decide on a date for the first “Janitorial” meeting.
5. Next Meeting
a. I propose the first Sunday in December. If that does not conflict with any upcoming shows or tech rehearsals.
b. The purpose of this meeting is for the “janitors” ( Dana, Mutz, Nikki, Sam W, Sam K., Aaron, Steven, Joe, Matt, Jessie and Ashlynn), to build a “jumping off point”.
i. We will discuss;
ii. function
iii. committee’s
iv. recognition of guild members.
6. Also to be noted. “Rome was not built in a day” we will be taking baby steps and the commitment you can give is the commitment asked for. There will be several opportunities to give your two cents and lend a helping hand.
* Minute takers note. There were so many ideas bandied about, that I found myself listening and not writing.The First Annual Theatre Guild’s Open Shed
Hey janitorial staff!
So. . . first official meeting?
December 2nd
potlucky snacky ish????
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